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MysteryCorgi was the creative director behind AIdol. She has assisted in the writing, programming, and other creative tasks of various visual novels. Some of her previous works include Afterthought Studios' A More Beautiful World, Forgotten, Not Lost, and When Our Journey Ends.

ebi-hime is the writer and programmer who helped make the script of AIdol a reality. She has penned a good many visual novels. Some of her previous works include Strawberry Vinegar and Blackberry Honey. You can find her games on and Steam.

Melow (Karamelow) is the artist who helped bring the GUI and characters of AIdol to life. She has worked on several visual novels, including When Our Journey Ends and Once on a Windswept Night. You can see her visual novels on

The soundtrack features insert songs by Vocaloid composer nostr8answer (Kenji-B).

Mock Off is the musician who composed the instrumental music for AIdol. Mock Off's contributions are available to listen to on bandcamp. The full soundtrack is available as a DLC on Steam.